Archive for the 'Field-Ops' Category

FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 33

Hey agents! Ninjinian here with the Mission 33 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

Agents – Herbert claims he’s hidden a device inside a box. Work together to search for the device, then deactive it. Search every box you can find!

Head to the Box Dimension and go stand near the box that says UP and an arrow on it near the left corner above your Spy Phone. You’ll need a portal to get to the Box Dimension. Update: Now that the Puffle Party is here, a portal to the Dimension is at the Beach.

This week’s task is destroying the circuits! You have to match the circuit symbols to overload the wiring! You have a time limit, so do it quick and fast before time runs out! See how long it takes you to complete it. And it seems that Club Penguin have made the task description text bold.

We managed to disarm his clock, but he wants us to give him the circuits he needs for Protobot. But we won’t surrender!  This has been Ninjinian posting this week’s Field-Op task.

FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 32

Hey agents! Ninjinian here with the Mission 32 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

Herbert’s back – and he’s claiming HE rebuilt Protobot. This is extremely serious. They may be trying to invade systems other than ours. Check any citizen electronics for infection. We know just where to go…

Head to the Night Club and stand just behind the left turntable. Then your Spy Phone will start to vibrate and blink green. Click it to receive and complete the task to earn your medal.

We need to repair the system by entering directs for the repair bot. You can do this by clicking the correct arrow. Be precise – because you can only send five sets of commands. So try getting to each target in one go. Remember, the “up” arrow represents not only going up, but going straight. It is very confusing because it can sometime tricking you – meaning that right is left and left is right, but keep trying if you don’t get it on your first try.

Then you shall of earned your medal and will get a message from Gary. He thinks that Protobot hasn’t been completely fixed yet – so we still have time to stop Herbert. Keep an eye out for any clues!

Stay on alert, agents. Keep checking your Spy Phone for any messages. This has been Ninjinian posting the latest Field-Op. Check back next week for the 33rd Field-Op cheats on Club-Penguin-Pins!

FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 31

Hey agents! Ninjinian here with the Mission 31 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

Agents – Ultimate Protobot from the Elite Penguin Force DS game has returned. But who rebuilt it? And where is it hiding? We need answers! We must begin our search. Work together to scan the wilderness for enemy signals. Be on alert for emergencies.

So go to the Dock, through the Glade and into the Wilderness. Then waddle straight ahead to the rock near the broken machine parts. Then stand between the tree to the left of the rock and the rock.

All we have to do is break the code by scanning the symbols to find the right combination. You have seven tries to get it right. When it is green, that means the symbol is correct and in the right place – yellow mean’s it’s the right symbol but wrong spot, and red means the symbol is wrong.

The collect your medal and read the message by G:

We have intercepted an enemy signals. Gary’s got a lot of work to do. This has been Ninjinian posting the latest Field-Op mission.

FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 30

Hey agents! Hitclubpenguin here with the Mission 30 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

More parts have gone missing. A cart was stolen from the Mine, along with a set of inner tubes from the Docks. We must be prepared. I am working on a new Spy Phone feature. Help me finish it by upgrading the EPF radio antenna.

Go to the Ski Hill and stand to the right of the Sled Racing Catalog, then click your Spy Phone when it vibrates and goes green.

We have to power up the chipset but guiding your micro battery to all the chips and make sure you don’t get shocked by the traps – use the arrows on your keyboard to guide your battery to the chips, be sure to keep recharging!

As you complete this mission, a new medal screen will show up, different to the ones before, with Gary delivering you a special EPF message. Here’s what it says:

Good work Agent! Thanks to you and your fellow agents, the new Communication System is online.

You will now receive messages from EPF command through your Spy Phone.

New Elite Gear!

There is new Elite Gear that come on January 14th. Click Elite Gear, and you will be in the page that says “AGENT”, but there is a new page that’s called “TECH”  after “COMM” – click it and you will see more Elite Gear, this one is called the Basic Set. Below is a list of all the items in the set:

Basic Set

  • x3 – Optic Headset
  • x3 – Tech Coat
  • x2 – Tech Satchel
  • x3 – Tech-book 3000

There is the list of the new gear! You’ve completed your mission, well done!

Congratulations, you’ve finished the thirtieth Field-Op! I’m saving up my medals to get the stamps, how about you? Check back next week for the next Field-Op! This has been Ninjinian posting the latest Field-Op.


FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 29

Hey agents! Ninjinian here with the Mission 29 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

The Aqua Grabber’s security system just stopped an intruder from stealing it’s parts! We must act quickly. Work together to make sure all other Aqua Grabber’s are secure. Gary says Aquagrabber instead of Aqua Grabber – twice. Is that how Aqua Grabber will be spelt now?

Head to the Forest to go to the Hidden Lake. Then stand in the broken Aqua Grabber near your Spy Phone and Map until your Spy Phone blinks green.

This week’s task is destroying the circuits! You have to match the circuit symbols to overload the wiring! You have a time limit, so do it quick and fast before time runs out! See how long it takes you to complete it.

That’s it! You have completed the task and Field-Op, and got a medal! You can use these medals to buy Elite Gear. I’m saving up mine to get the stamps. This has been Ninjinian posting the latest Field-Op.

FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 28

Hey agents! Ninjinian here with the Mission 19 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

Gary has decoded the message from last week, which read “They’re onto us! Get what we need from the speakers – now!” Gary says that there’s something strangely familiar about this. Herbert perhaps? Of course!

Go to the Night Club and stand inside the speaker with the green puffle on it. If you’re Spy Phone doesn’t go green the first time, click the silver part at the back of the speaker or the candy cane part. Then receive your task.

We need to repair the system by entering directs for the repair bot. You can do this by clicking the correct arrow. Be precise – because you can only send five sets of commands. So try getting to each target in one go. Remember, the “up” arrow represents not only going up, but going straight.

That’s it! You have completed the task and Field-Op, and got a medal! You can use these medals to buy Elite Gear. I’m saving up mine to get the stamps. This has been Ninjinian posting the latest Field-Op.

FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 27

Hey agents! Ninjinian here with the Mission 19 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

We have a clue! After last week’s Field-Operation, strange tire tracks were found leaving the scene. The hidden tracks led right to the Ski Village. Search there for more enemy signals – says Gary. Then let’s go!

Stand just behind the Tour Guide booth at the Ski Village. You’re Spy Phone will then blink green and will vibrate. Click it to receive and complete your task.

All we have to do is break the code by scanning the symbols to find the right combination. You have seven tries to get it right. When it is green, that means the symbol is correct and in the right place – yellow mean’s it’s the right symbol but wrong spot, and red means the symbol is wrong.

That’s it! You have completed the task and Field-Op, and got a medal! You can use these medals to buy Elite Gear. I’m saving up mine to get the stamps. This has been Ninjininian posting the latest Field-Op.

FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 26

Hey agents! Ninjinian here with the Mission 26 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

The signal Gary decoded last week said “Our plan is working! Get the parts from the booth!” We must investigate. Work together to look for this booth and repair any damage you find. Let’s go!

It’s not the tour guide booth at the Ski Village, it’s the Ticket Booth outside the Stage at the Plaza. Walk into it and your Spy Phone will blink green and will vibrate – then click it to complete and receive your task.

We have to power up the chipset but guiding your micro battery to all the chips and make sure you don’t get shocked by the traps – use the arrows on your keyboard to guide your battery to the chips, be sure to keep recharging!

That’s it! You have completed the task and Field-Op, and got a medal! You can use these medals to buy Elite Gear. I’m saving up mine to get the stamps. This has been Ninjinian posting the latest Field-Op.

FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 25

Hey agents! Ninjinian here with the Mission 25 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

The attacks on the EPF have stopped. Our enemies have gone quiet, says Gary, thanks to our effort. But we still must act. We need to work together to look for any new enemy signals. Search near the ocean – it’s our only clue. So let’s go look at a place that is near the ocean. Let’s go!

Head to the Cove, then go to the bottom-right corner of the screen (where the Cove Catalog is). Your Spy Phone will then start blinking red and will vibrate. Click it to receive and complete your task.

All we have to do is break the code by scanning the symbols to find the right combination. You have seven tries to get it right. When it is green, that means the symbol is correct and in the right place – yellow mean’s it’s the right symbol but wrong spot, and red means the symbol is wrong.

Woohoo! I earned the “Elite Protector” stamp, when you have to collect over 25 medals in you record. I have done every single Field-Op so far! This has been Ninjinian posting the latest Field-Op.

FIELD-OPS: Elite Penguin Force Mission 24

Hey agents! Ninjinian here with the Mission 24 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Pins! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

We’re still on Red Alert! Enemy programs have damaged systems in the VR Hologram Quarters. We need to travel down to the VR HQ, and the find the broken hologram panel, then work together to power it up! Let’s go!

Once you are in the VR Room, go stand/sit under where it says “HQ 2005” – you’re Spy Phone will then blink green. Click it to receieve your task.

We have to power up the chipset but guiding your micro battery to all the chips and make sure you don’t get shocked by the traps – use the arrows on your keyboard to guide your battery to the chips, be sure to keep recharging!

That’s it! You have completed the task and Field-Op, and got a medal! You can use these medals to buy Elite Gear. I’m saving up mine to get the stamps. Only five away from the “25 medals” stamp! This has been Ninjinian posting the latest Field-Op.

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